Automation Weekdays Batch
Class Availability: Weekend Mode: Online Trainer Led
Duration: 2.5-3 Months (Approx.) Course Content
Introduction of Automation Testing
What is Automation Testing
Advantages and Disadvantages of Automation Testing
Master in the Core Java concepts
Basic Java
JDK installation o Java Compiler and JRE (some supporting java file and JVM) Java is Object Oriented
Java is Platform Independent o Why platform independent? Class
Object Class o Its super class for all classes Methods
Object o Object creation/instantiation
Constructor o Type of constructor and constructor chaining
Data Types o Primitive (int, char, Boolean etc.) o Not primitive (class, array) Variable Types o Local variables, Instance variables, Class/Static variables Access Modifiers o public, private, protected, default, final, static, abstract etc.
Loop Control o for, while, for each, do while
Decision Making o if else, nested if else, switch case, continue and break Strings
Object Oriented Concepts Inheritance Polymorphism
Overloading o same class and child class Overriding o same class
Abstraction Interfaces Encapsulation
Java Collections
List Set Map
Checked Exception o IOException, SQLException Unchecked Exception o ArithmeticException,
NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Error o OutOfMemoryError How to handle exceptions
Master in Selenium Web Driver (Web Application Automation) Selenium Concepts
How to Launch Browser with desired URL Web Element Locators
How to inspect Web Element
Verify Page title in Selenium Web driver Navigation in selenium
Radio button and Checkbox in Selenium Web driver Handling Dropdown List
Handling Mouse Hover, Keyword Events using Action class Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait (WebDriver Wait)
How to take screenshot using selenium Handling Multiple windows (Window Handling) Handling Alert Messages.
Handling Iframes.
Cross Browsing using selenium
Complete details of Dynamic XPath in Selenium Handle Date Picker (Web Tables)
How to use Logs File in selenium
How to use Properties File in selenium Print all Link available on a page
How to run Java Script on Browser using selenium
TestNg Concepts
Advantage of using TestNG framework TestNG Annotations
Hierarchy of TestNG Annotations Testing.xml file structure
Maven Concepts
Advantage of using Maven What is pom.xml
How to link TestNG framework with Maven
Automation Frameworks
What is framework Page Object Model Data Driven Framework Cucumber
Report Generation
Master in SoapUI (Web API Automation using SoapUI tool) Web services Basics
What is web service? Web Service Example
Different types of Services: Soap & Rest SOAP UI Details What is SOAP UI?
How SOAUI helps in testing of Web Services How to configure services in SOAP UI
How to use SOAPUI for Web services Automation Setup Environment
Setup SOAPUI Free version
Setup SOAPUI Pro version Free SOAP Web services
Difference between SOAP and Rest Services Advantages of Rest Services over SOAP Services
Properties at different SOAPUI level Global properties
Project level property Test Suite level property Test Case level property
Different Steps in SOAPUI Delay test Step
Groovy Script test Step Property test Step
Manual Test Step Run Test Case Step Assertion test Step
Parameterization/Data driven test cases Data Source loop using excel file
Data Sink Step
Data source Loop using Data sink Assertions Contains Assertion
Not Contains Assertion Response SLA Assertion Schema Assertion
Valid Http Code Assertion Invalid Http Code Assertion
XPath Assertion XQuery Assertion
Database Connectivity in SOAPUI JDBC Setup
Soap Web Service Automation (Framework Creation) Soap Service Automation
Rest Service Automation
Master in Rest Assured (Web API Automation using Java) Client Server Basics
Client Server Architecture and HTTP Protocol HTTP Request
HTTP Response
RESTful Basics What is REST?
Rest Architectural Elements REST API Testing – Basics
Configure Eclipse with Rest-Assured REST API Test using Rest Assured
Validate Response Status using Rest Assured Validate Response Header using Rest Assured Read JSON Response Body using Rest Assured
REST API Testing – Advance
GET Request using Rest Assured POST Request using Rest Assured PUT Request using Rest Assured
DELETE Request using Rest Assured RESTAPI Testing Framework
Complete framework creation using Maven and Jenkins
Master in JMeter (Web API Performance Test Automation) What is API and Performance testing
What is Performance Testing
Why Performance Testing Techniques of Performance Testing
All About API
What & types of API’s API Examples
Why API Testing is important HTTP Methods
HTTP Error Codes
About JMeter
What is JMeter Why JMeter Java Installation
Installation of JMeter Overview of JMeter
Components of JMeter Test Plan
Thread Group Sampler Controllers Listeners
HTTP Header Manager Pre-Processor
Post Processor Parametrization
Rest API Handling HTTP Methods Get API
Delete API
Using CSS Data Config Using CSV Data config CSVDataFile
Creating HTML Reports
Master in CI/CD
Integration of Git Hub in Automation
Project Integration of Jenkins in Automation Project
- Introduction
- Roles
- Frameworks
- Scrum Ceremonies
- Role of Software Testing Professional in Agile
- Hands-on-lab
- Study Materials
- Real-time examples
- Live projects practice
- Job Assistance
- Mock Interviews
- Resume Preparation
- WhatsApp Job Support Group
- Dedicated Staff during the training program
- Life Time Classroom Recorded Sessions
- Course Completion Certificate
Good For
Testing Professionals, Developers, and Professionals looking for Automation
Then this course will help you get all the fundamentals of Procedural PHP, Object Oriented PHP, MYSQLi and ending the course by building a CMS system similar to WordPress, Joomla or Drupal.
Knowing PHP has allowed me to make enough money to stay home and make courses like this one for students all over the world. Being a PHP developer can allow anyone to make really good money online and offline, developing dynamic applications.
Knowing PHP will allow you to build web applications, websites or Content Management systems, like WordPress, Facebook, Twitter or even Google.
There is no limit to what you can do with this knowledge. PHP is one of the most important web programming languages to learn, and knowing it, will give you SUPER POWERS in the web development world and job market place.
Because Millions of websites and applications (the majority) use PHP. You can find a job anywhere or even work on your own, online and in places like freelancer or Odesk. You can definitely make a substantial income once you learn it.
I will not bore you 🙂
I take my courses very seriously but at the same time I try to make it fun since I know how difficult learning from an instructor with a monotone voice or boring attitude is. This course is fun, and when you need some energy to keep going, you will get it from me.
My Approach
Practice, practice and more practice. Every section inside this course has a practice lecture at the end, reinforcing everything with went over in the lectures. I also created a small application the you will be able to download to help you practice PHP. To top it off, we will build and awesome CMS like WordPress, Joomla or Drupal.
What Will You Learn?
- Understand the fundamentals of healthy dieting (calories, protein, carbs, fat, vitamins & minerals)
- Create a diet that is perfect for your needs and lifestyle
- Learn when, what and how much you should eat for optimal body composition
- Build more muscle by optimizing your meal plan
- Lose fat faster by optimizing your meal plan
- Improve immunity and energy levels with the right vitamins and minerals